Pollinate Pulse of the Nation

Earlier this month, a few of our Board Members went to the Pollinate Pulse of the Nation event.

Since 2007, Pollinate has surveyed over 25,000 Australians via The Pulse across three key pillars of sustainability – environment, society and the economy. As a result, they have decades of data on the key issues facing the nation.

The research is a gold mine of information that can help us to better understand our audiences and how we can focus our communication plans.

In April 2022, they surveyed 1000 Australians about what was front of mind in an election year. Cost of living and economic issues are dominating now, but COVID and climate change are close behind. Interestingly, climate change is also steadily rising as a concern for those considered ‘traditional voters’.

Canberrans are different from other Australians – we are more progressive and have a different mindset from the rest of the country. We are less concerned about the cost of living as we are financially more comfortable. We are more concerned about escalating world conflicts, affordable housing, crime, and access to affordable education.

Australians are now more focused on the national economy than the global one. We are increasingly spending with brands that have values that align with our own. Canberrans, on the other hand, spend where we want to see change. We research more before we make a purchase and are focused on products that are environmentally friendly, high quality and reliable.

We all know that trust in government, media and big business has declined over the past decade, but who do we trust? The pollinate survey found we trust farmers and scientists, but we don’t trust the federal government or property developers. Unless you live in Canberra, then you are more likely to trust medical professionals, scientists and the not-for-profit sector.

Pollinate also asked people how they will vote in the upcoming election and how they think their friends will vote. But we won’t ruin that surprise! If you want the inside scoop on who will win, you will have to come to our joint mid-week mingle this Wednesday (18 May) at the Hotel Kurrajong.