Measurement Masterclass

More than 80 communications professionals from Canberra and across Australia joined a Measurement Masterclass last month. Victor Zalakos (Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries), Deb Camden (The Communication Dividend), Garrett Tyler-Parker (Visit Canberra) and Ngaire Crawford (iSentia) joined IABC Canberra’s President, Melanie Gibbons, to discuss: Selecting the best metrics that support your strategy How to embed a […]

Set yourself apart – become a certified Communication Management Professional

Earn and CMP or SCMP certifications from the GCCC – right here in Canberra! Widely used in other professions, a professional certification tells peers, colleagues and clients that they are working with an experienced and competent communicator. And, certification shows the world that you are committed to keeping your skills and knowledge up to date. […]

Creating digital workspaces – the impact on internal communications

We all know that the pandemic has changed how we work and collaborate. Over the past two years, we have had to adjust rapidly to working in a digital environment connect, engage and support our co-workers. As a disruptor, COVID has seen us accelerate our technology use; what we had anticipated using in 10 years, […]

Public Communication: Global Context and the Way Forward

Close to 40 Communication professionals joined a conversation around the role of public communication, hosted by IABC Canberra and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) last week. The OECD’s latest report – Public Communication: The Global Context and the Way Forward – was the topic of discussion, which examined public communication structures, mandates, and practices. […]

Pollinate Pulse of the Nation

Earlier this month, a few of our Board Members went to the Pollinate Pulse of the Nation event. Since 2007, Pollinate has surveyed over 25,000 Australians via The Pulse across three key pillars of sustainability – environment, society and the economy. As a result, they have decades of data on the key issues facing the nation. The […]

Easter treats + East Coast relief

Earlier this month we hosted our monthly mid-week mingle. However, with Easter upon us, and much of the East Coast in need of some relief and support, this mingle was a little different. Not only did we manage to raise more than $150 for the Red Cross NSW and QLD Flood appeal (with all tickets […]


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Where Canberra communicators come together for insight, connection and professional development.

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