

This page is a starting point for our IABC Canberra members to better understand the journey towards obtaining (and maintaining) your certification. If you have any questions, queries or feedback, reach out at anytime at info@iabccanberra.com

Local certification information

Read our latest article on certification. This includes information such as who certification best suits and why, and testimonials from some of Canberra’s certified members.

Prepare for a certification exam

The road to certification can take time and commitment, but the dividends at the end are worth the effort. This handy presentation helps you understand the process and timeline for sitting an exam. 

Why certify?

Discover why former IABC Canberra President Victor Zalakos decided to pursue certification and obtain endorsement of his knowledge and experience at the global standard.

IABC Canberra certification information session

In this video, Alison Senti SCMP provides an overview on what you need to know to start your certification journey.

Benefits of certification

There is proven research that certification helps advance your career – 50 percent of all certified professionals are promoted within the first six months of getting a certification. Discover other compelling reasons to get certified in this presentation.


Additional information about the exam process, meeting your training hours and more. 


Maintaining your certification

You’re certified?! Congratulations. Don’t forget that due to the pace at which information changes in the industry, certificants are required to renew their certification annually. Find out what is required to meet your recertification requirements.

Three tips on renewing your communication certification

Past IABC Canberra President Amanda Dennett SCMP shares her advice for making your CMP or SCMP renewal as easy as possible.

Honour Roll

IABC Canberra celebrates the achievements of our members with SCMP or CMP certification.

NameCertification levelYear certified
Romany RzechowiczCMP2016
Victor ZalakosSCMP2017
Alison Senti SCMP2018
Amanda DennettSCMP2020
Justine O’BrienSCMP2020
Sarah ToaldoCMP2020


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Contact Us

For all general queries, including suggestions for events, please contact the Canberra Chapter via email:
